Looking Beyond Dialysis

Affiliated Dialysis Services

At Affiliated Dialysis California (ADC), our services include home/bedside dialysis training and support, with staff expertise in creating treatment plans for home and skilled nursing facilities. On the home hemodialysis side, ADC utilizes comprehensive care techniques comparable to standard outpatient dialysis, while also providing the flexibility of home dialysis. The benefits of both programs include patient freedom to consider lifestyle choices that might otherwise be restricted by standard outpatient hemodialysis courses of treatment.

Skilled Nursing Facility

Affiliated Dialysis California provides bedside hemodialysis in skilled nursing facilities. Our new program is the first and only Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) licensed provider of bedside dialysis in skilled nursing facilities in California. Learn More

Home Hemodialysis Care

Our dedicated home dialysis facilities provide patients and their caregivers with expert training and support to allow dialysis to be performed in the home setting. This allows the greatest individualization of the patients personalized dialysis treatment plan. Affiliated Dialysis California provides both home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in the home setting. Learn More