Expert Treatment Brought to your Skilled Nursing Facility.

Bedside Dialysis

The first and largest licensed provider of bedside dialysis to skilled nursing facilities to be Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) licensed in California, Affiliated Dialysis California brings its experienced staff and training resources to facilitate the freedom of bedside dialysis. We support skilled nursing facilities with all aspects of certification for this specialized program. Affiliated Dialysis California understands the unique benefits and freedom of providing patients bedside dialysis in skilled nursing facilities. Benefits to the patient include expert training and assistance, improved clinical outcomes, elimination of transportation complexities and related risks and exposures, and it’s covered by most insurance plans. No more hours consumed by patients and staff navigating transportation to outpatient treatment centers for dialysis.  No more regular outside exposure to COVID-19 and other risks in the outpatient centers.  No more missed meals and appointments at the home facility.  And no more disjointed coordination of care between patients' dialysis and nursing home medical providers.  The comfort of being treated bedside in a skilled nursing facility allows for greater flexibility with significantly improved patient outcomes.